Pitch Summary:

We are physicians, nurses and other medical/health professionals who share a deep concern about climate change and its impacts on our patients, our children, and our communities. Our mission is to use our expertise to inform the public and our lawmakers about the staggering effects climate change will have on human and animal health. We would like the input of the folks at this meeting on how we can best help push a far more aggressive policy response in Vermont. We seek to move Vermonters off the sidelines and bring more people into the discussion, helping legislators to move forward

Submitted by: Dan Quinlan, The Vermont Climate & Health Alliance (vtcha.org)

[pdf-embedder url=”https://eanvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/EAN-Pitch-13-Dan-Quinlan-VTCHA-Vermont-Medical-and-Health-Professionals-Call-For-Climate-Action.output.pdf” title=”EAN Pitch 13- Dan Quinlan – VTCHA – Vermont Medical and Health Professionals Call For Climate Action.output”]